PO Box 560 / 90 Alexander Lane, Solomons, Maryland 20688
Phone (410) 326-3171 | olssschool@comcast.net | Fax (410) 326-9478
Ms. Quade received her Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from Towson University in 2014, and also holds a Maryland Teacher Certification for Elementary Education. She has worked in Charles County Public Schools, and as a substitute teacher at OLSS. Ms. Quade is also an OLSS and St. Mary's Ryken alumnus! This is her 8th year teaching 3rd grade and her 4th year as Vice Principal at OLSS.
Email: grade3@olsss.org
Series used: Saxon Math
1) Number Sense: Students understand the relationships among numbers, quantities, and place value in whole numbers up to 1,000. They understand the relationship among whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Students learn to round numbers, show equivalent fractions using equal parts, identify numerators and denominators, name and write decimals to represent tenths and hundredth, and interpret data displayed in a circle graph.
2) Computation: Students solve problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers up to 1,000. They model and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Students master multiplication facts for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10. They add and subtract simple fractions with the same denominator. They use estimation and mental arithmetic.
3) Algebra & Functions: Students select appropriate symbols, operations, and properties to represent, describe, simplify, and solve number and functional relationships. They solve problems involving numeric equations, create and extend number patterns involving multiplication, and solve problems involving a functional relationship between two quantities.
4) Geometry: Students describe and compare the attributes of plane and solid geometric shapes and use their understanding to show relationships and solve problems. They identify right angles, cubes, spheres, prisms, pyramids, cones, and cylinders. They draw shapes that are congruent to other shapes, as well as lines, line segments, lines of symmetry, and mirror image reflections of shapes.
5) Measurement: Students use units and measurement tools for length, capacity, weight, temperature, time, and money. They measure line segments, find the perimeters and areas of shapes, find volumes of objects, measure capacity, measure weight, compare temperatures, tell time to the nearest minute, and find that value of collections of coins and bills.
6) Problem Solving: Students make decisions about how to approach problems and communicate their ideas. They analyze problems by identifying relationships, sequencing information, and observing patterns. They apply strategies from simpler problems to solve more complex problems, and express solutions by using mathematical terms and notation.
ADW 3rd Grade Math Standards
Series used: McGraw-Hill Wonders 2023, Zaner-Bloser Vocabulary
1) Word Recognition, Fluency, & Vocabulary Development: Students understand the basic features of words. They see letter patterns and know how to translate them into spoken language by using phonics, syllables, vocabulary, and word parts. They apply this knowledge to achieve fluent oral and silent reading. They recognize common abbreviations, and identify regular and irregular plural words. In Vocabulary, they learn antonyms, synonyms, compound words, prefixes, and suffixes.
2) Reading Comprehension: Students use a variety of comprehension strategies, such as asking/responding to questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources. Students read a variety of narrative and expository texts, such as classic and contemporary literature, poetry, and children’s magazines. They learn structural features and use titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information in text. They draw conclusions about what will happen next in text by identifying key words. They follow two-step written instructions.
3) Literacy Response & Analysis: Students read and respond to a wide variety of literature. They identify and discuss the characters, theme, plot, and setting of stories. They identify the use of rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration in poetry. They identify the meaning or lesson of a story, and recognize the difference between fantasy and reality.
4) Writing Process: Students write clear sentences and paragraphs that develop a central idea. They progress through the stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. They organize and focus their writing ideas, proofread their own and others’ writing using an editing checklist, and revise drafts to improve sequence and detail. They continue to learn cursive handwriting.
5) Writing Applications: Students write compositions, rhymes, and poems, and are introduced to letter writing. They write responses to literature that demonstrate an understanding of what is read. They learn to write and deliver a report.
6) Written English Language Conventions: Students write using conventions of Standard English through handwriting, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Grammar focuses on identifying and writing parts of speech, including nouns and verbs. In Spelling, students learn words that are used frequently but do not fit common spelling patterns. They correctly spell words with short and long vowel sounds, r-controlled vowels, and consonant-blend patterns.
7) Skills, Strategies, & Applications: Students listen and respond to oral communication. They speak in a manner that conveys ideas by using proper phrasing, pitch, and modulation. They paraphrase information that has been shared orally, and follow three- and four-step oral directives. They retell stories, recount experiences, and recite poems, songs, and stories.
ADW 3rd Grade Language Arts Standards
Series used: Harcourt Social Studies
1) History: Students study early regional culture and settlement, and identify how groups of people in their region, from prior to European settlement to the present, have influenced the development of different communities. They identify important events in the region with timelines. The 3rd grade class goes on field trips to Historic St. Mary’s City and Annapolis.
2) Civics & Government: Students learn about the foundations of democratic government, identify the principles of democracy and the role of its citizens, and the duties of different levels of government in the United States.
3) Geography: Students identify the hemispheres and use cardinal and intermediate directions to determine directions.They use grid systems, symbols, and other information to locate features of places in the Mid-Atlantic Region on maps and globes.
4) Economics: Students learn about trade and money, how trade benefits individuals and communities, how money makes trade easier, and how prices are determined in markets. They compare costs and benefits when making decisions as a consumer.
ADW 3rd Grade Social Studies Standards
Series used: Harcourt Science
1) Nature of Science: Students investigate question that can be examined using a fair test, and confirm that if it is repeated, similar results are expected.
2) Nature of Technology: Students identify ways in which technology and tools are used in daily life and work, and how inventions have changed the way people live.
3) Physical Science: Students study the properties of matter, identifying the characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases, and how they can be measured. They learn about energy, and how light and sound are forms of energy.
4) Earth & Space Science: Students understand that the Earth is part of a larger system that includes the sun, planets, moons, and other objects. They observe the cycles of the sun and the moon throughout the day and year.
5) Life Science: Students investigate characteristics of plants and animals, plant and animal life cycles and their stages, and fossil evidence that shows plants and animals that once lived on Earth.
ADW 3rd Grade Science Standards
Sadlier Religion’s “We Believe” series is a spiral curriculum that presents the key concepts of faith each year, in a deeper and broader way, as children grow more capable of understanding and living in discipleship. The 3rd grade series is comprised of four units: “Jesus Gives us the Church”, “We Are Members of the Church”, “The Church Leads Us in Worship”, and “We Are Called to Discipleship”. Students are given the opportunity to plan the school’s weekly Liturgy, and participate by reading the Scripture readings, acting as song leaders, saying the Prayers of the Faithful, and taking up the offertory gifts. Service projects are also incorporated into lessons. Students study and memorize the Ten Commandments.
ADW 3rd Grade Religion Standards
1) Movement Forms: Students develop mature locomotor, non-locomoter, and manipulative skills, and practice these to adapt and refine them to be used in a variety of situations. They combine different movement skills to form more complex skills.
2) Motor (Movement) Skills: Students apply movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills. They control the use of various amounts of force to move objects varying distances (e.g. kick a ball with light, medium, and hard force to see what distance it travels at each level.)
3) Physical Activity: Students learn how physical activity contributes to health and fitness.
4) Responsible Behavior: Students continue to learn and apply acceptable behavior, rules, policies, and safe/unsafe practices. They are taught understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity settings, and learn to encourage classmates who have difficulty with a skill.
ADW 3rd Grade PE Standards
Students engage in written and spoken conversations in Spanish, and build on their vocabulary to learn names of parts of the body, food, the community, classroom objects, and numbers up to 50. They learn to recognize letters, sounds, and special characters of the Spanish language. They examine and experience the relationships among the practices, products, and perspectives of another culture and their own.
ADW 3rd Grade Foreign Language Standards
Students learn how to perform music by singing and playing instruments alone and with a group. Students create music by improvising responses, accompaniments, and compositions. Students respond to music by reading, writing, and performing rhythmic and melodic patterns. They identify musical symbols and terms, describe music, compare musical compositions, and discover music associated with special occasions in their own and other cultures.
ADW 3rd Grade Music Standards
Students learn about the chronological development of art movements, and common themes in artwork from various cultures. They apply elements and principles of design in their work, discriminating between types of shape, colors, textures, and space. A variety of art media is explored, including drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, and mixed media. Students learn about a variety of art-related professions and identify opportunities for involvement in the art in their local communities.
ADW 3rd Grade Visual Arts Standards
ADW Technology Standards
Archdiocese of Washington Academic Standards define what students in Catholic Schools should know and be able to do at each grade level.